
Colorquiz.com 12/08/2020

Your Existing Situation

Works well with others. Needs personal relationships which are understanding and relatively conflict-free.
Your Stress Sources

“Delights in the finer things in life and things that appeal to the senses, but can be critical. Is careful and cautious and must believe she is not being manipulated or tricked. Keeps her emotions in check and is always analyzing her relationships in order to know exactly where she stands at all times. Demands complete honesty as a protection against her naturally trusting nature.”
Your Restrained Characteristics

“Finds satisfaction in sexual activity, but is emotionally detached which prevents her from becoming too involved.”

“Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has.”

“Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has.”

Your Desired Objective

“Makes spontaneous, irrational, and sudden decisions in order to escape her current problems and difficulties.”
Your Actual Problem

Harshly critical of the existing situation which she believes is disorganized and unclear. Seeking some sort of solution which will make the situation more clear and with some sort of organization.


Seishun no ichiban fudashou no

伸びた学食のうどん コケもむすでよ記憶のスイッチ
懐かしさに勝ちたい 阿波踊りはもう飽きるほど見とる

ちょっとオシャレになった街並 それはきっとええこと
変わらんのはあの店のおばさん そして頑固な思い出達

すだち酒で乾杯!! 今でも酷い飲み方する日もある
皆々様 乾杯!! 愛すべき 眉山 鳴門の海 海 海
すだち酒で乾杯!! ただいま 教育の一番札所
皆々様 乾杯!! あんたがおった 私がおった 夏

替え玉しよかなラーメン 貼付ける記憶のスケッチ
寂しさではないんよ かずら橋から切なさは捨てたい

うんと達者でおってね先生 今なら理解できそうです
変わりゆく時代と人 それは成長という名の親離れ

すだち酒で乾杯!! ありがとうはいつも遅刻気味じゃけど
皆々様 乾杯!! 愛すべき 商店街 吉野川 川 川
すだち酒で乾杯!! ただいま 青春の一番札所
皆々様 乾杯!! あんたがおった 私がおった 夏

それでは皆様 お手を拝借